RS Series:
Adjustable output controller (installed on the end of heater)
NOT Compatible with wall-mounted intensity controller
Voltage options 120V or 240V
7’ double insulated cord and plug
Size options 35” or 65”
Compatible with ceiling or wall-mounted installation
Metal sheath element
Durable rust free aluminum
HS Series:
NO adjustable output controller
100% output
Compatible with wall-mounted intensity controller (sold separately)
Voltage options 120V or 240V
7’ double insulated cord and plug
Size options 35” or 65”
Compatible with ceiling or wall-mounted installation
Metal sheath element
Durable rust free aluminum
The optimal distance from the heater to the subject is 2'-4'. Radiant heat is less effective beyond 4'. For a horse it's recommended to be approximately 3'-4' from the horse's back.
A minimum of approximately 6” is recommended.
Yes! If the heater is hung in accordance with the installation instructions, it can be used as long as necessary.
Horse Heater / Barn Heater Recommendations:
If you are planning to install this heater in a barn, wash stall, or horse stall, it is recommended to have one heater for each horse, including a foal. Horses are intelligent enough to seek out the heat and will stand under the radiant heater if they are feeling cold.
Outdoor Spaces and More Recommendations:
If you are looking to install a Kalglo Infrared Heater in a garage, patio, restaurant, or any outdoor area, please refer to our spec sheet which provide heat patterns for each model.
Extension cords are NOT recommended for long term use. They may be used temporarily with a heavy duty outdoor extension cord.
Kalglo's 240-volt heaters are slightly more efficient, but we suggest opting for the 240-volt model only if the receptacle is readily available or if the installation of a 240-volt service poses no issues.
If you are looking for your heater to turn on/off when your space get below a certain temperature, then a thermostat is the right choice for your space.