What to Know About Infrared Heat:

The Kalglo controlled electric infrared heating system is designed to provide a “spot” or “local” comfort heat in a particular area without the expense of bringing the whole room air temperature up to the temperature needed for the subject to be heated.

Infrared or radiant energy produces heating effects similar to the sun but without the visible light and UV. It heats only when the invisible rays strike upon a solid object. The ray is produced at the right side of the electromagnetic spectrum. No ultraviolet is produced by Kalglo heaters.

The Kalglo electronically controlled system is unique due to the radiant output of the heaters! It’s controlled by an infrared automatic control system. An infrared sensor is placed under a heater and close to the subject. The sensor “feels” the air temperature/air movement in addition to the infrared output of the overhead heaters that the subject feels. It sends a signal to the temperature control which adjusts the energy being supplied to the heaters and thus the infrared output of the heaters to compensate for changes in the air temperature, air movement, or surrounding MRT.

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